Living in rural Saskatchewan with my husband and three sons, I homeschool with my boys, write (when I can), and read (as much as possible). Just trying to live the simple life of family, friends, and serving the Lord.

39 Responses to “About”

  1. docscribe Says:

    Thank you for visiting my blog!

  2. Bunny Says:

    Fabulous writing. I have spent the whole evening reading your blog. You are very good. You should publish these blogs as a book of inspiration. It a projects a very relaxing, entertaining and calming atmosphere and attitude towards life, family and faith.

    1. Janelle Says:

      Thank you so much Bunny. That really means a lot to me. Maybe if I spent more time at your cabin, I could do more writing!

  3. Merry Says:

    This is such great reading, and so vulnerably written. It does suggest a future compilation in a book, in my opinion, too!! I appreciated the wonderful
    pictures — wish I had your expertise. It does my heart good to read, and I hope yours too, to be able to express your thoughts and experiences in this way. Merry.

    1. Janelle Says:

      I really appreciate your comment, Merry. You are special to us! Thanks for reading.

  4. Sheena Says:

    Janelle, WOW, you have such a collection of thoughts and memories. Beautiful writing and even better inspiration.

  5. Hi Janelle – thanks for leaving the note on my blog. I’ve been enjoying yours. :)Marcia Laycock

  6. cristy Says:

    Very happy you commented on my blog today. I may not have found yours if you didn’t. I’ve really enjoyed reading it and thank you for writing. God bless!

    1. Janelle Says:

      Thanks, Cristy. I am envious of your adventures. It sounds like you’ve made some wonderful memories. Looking forward to reading more about them.

  7. thanks for stopping by my blog and allowing me to see your blog. I look forward to reading more. DAF

    1. Janelle Says:

      Likewise, Friend.

  8. jennyj Says:

    I have thoroughly enjoyed reading your posts. You write beautifully. Thank you for sharing your life…

    1. Janelle Says:

      Thank you. I’m a little envious of your adventures, though. I’ll be looking forward to reading more about them.

  9. Thank you for dropping by my newborn little blog, Yours looks lovely and really interesting. I will be back to explore! 🙂

  10. I wanted to let you know that I nominated you for the Very Inspiring Blogger Award. You can find it here: Inspiring Blogger Award

  11. Hi Janelle, I just wanted to stop by and tell you that I nominated you for the Inspirational Blog award. Please don’t feel obligated to act on it, but please do come and see the photo I made for you. 🙂

    1. Janelle Says:

      Such beautiful photography, and so like you to make the extra effort to make this special. I love it. Thank you, friend!

      1. You are welcome! 🙂

  12. Haha! And I just noticed that I am not the only one that nominated you for this. You can accept ours at the same time! 🙂

    1. Janelle Says:

      Thank you Bethany!

  13. Thomas Ross Says:

    Came your way through Bethany’s blog. Love your writing and the photos. Happy to follow. Tom

  14. Janelle, I really enjoy your blog, so I’ve nominated it for the One Lovely Blog Award! If you are interested in the details, you can find them here:

    1. Janelle Says:

      Thank you, Willow!

  15. jaynemetcalf Says:

    What a wonderful blog!!!!

  16. My daughter says… How old are your boys…lol She is a big fan of a Canadian band called hedley and therefore is very into all things canadian … 0.0

    1. Janelle Says:

      Haha, they are 17, 15 and 11. Hedley is popular, yes.

  17. You have been awarded the Beautiful Blogger award for being so inspiring.
    Hope you have a lovely day 🙂

    1. Janelle Says:

      Awe, you are very kind, Fay. Thank you!

  18. Janelle, love your blog. Would you consider putting an RSS feed link? That is the easiest way for me to follow

  19. Betty Jo Says:

    Hi, I just wanted to let you know that I visited your blog and really like it. I’m a homeschool mom of 5. 4 are boys.!
    Hope you can come over to my blog for a visit soon.

    1. Janelle Says:

      Thanks for stopping by. I’ll visit soon!

  20. Audrey Chin Says:

    HI Janelle, I just nominated your for a Versatile Bloggers Award You can read about it on It’s simply my way of acknowledging how much I enjoy your posts and how you juggle your life so successfully. It’s okay if you’re too busy to pass it on. Ciao Audrey

    1. Janelle Says:

      Thank you, Audrey!

  21. Cameron Von St James Says:

    Hey Janelle. My name is Cameron and I came across your blog today and had a quick question. I was wondering if you’d be willing to email me. I really appreciate your help! 🙂

  22. asilzer1 Says:

    Hi Janelle, it’s April. I have a quick question about homeschooling that I was hoping you could answer for me. Would you be able to email me?

    Thanks a bunch!

    1. Janelle Says:

      Hi April. I’m afraid I don’t have your email address? You may email me at janellerosss @ yahoo dot ca if you would like:) (yes, there are 3 s’s)

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